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Blood Work...out

Blood Work…out!

Just the thought of having to get blood work done can overwhelm many of us with a rush of anxiety. But when Yaleska is due for her labs to be done, the appointment is met with much trepidation. For both of us!

Thinking of the impending appointment has me revisiting past lab visits. I run through all the possible, expected, and already experienced scenarios in my mind. She could flip a chair, or two, in the waiting room as I nervously and attentively listen for her name to be called. She may pinch me, or worst yet, hurt someone there. Or she may forcefully walk back outside. The angst of the possibilities consumes my thoughts.

I am not certain what sets her off.

Could it be interrupting her morning and having her fast as well?

Is it the strong smell of disinfectant in the examination room?

The way the phlebotomist gingerly cleanses the area to be pricked?

It may be one; it may be all of them.

Today, we walk toward the lab entrance with a heightened expectation of what’s to be: a waiting room full of patients, and Yaleska’s lack of patience.

Already edgy, we round the corner to what is to be expected.

“It will be over before you know it.”

“Here it goes. Let’s get this done.”

I assure… myself!


“What?” "This can't be!".

To my astonishment, there was no one waiting to get his or her blood work done!

No wait time! No work! No workout…this time.

There are many things in life that get us in a tizzy. We fret over what’s to come. Panic on what may be. Fluster over what we will face.

All the while , we are losing our peace, interrupting our joy, and expending much needed strength.

I am learning daily that God wants me to cast all my cares on Him because He will handle it.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Yaleska's Mom

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