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Hey, Why Not Me?

Delete, Delete, Delete! As I am getting rid of a lot of unnecessary emails at work, I stumble upon one that just called me by name! I sat up straight in my seat, zoomed into the content and exclaimed outloud "Hey, they are looking for me!".

It was an email searching for Latina Role Models! And here is what I whipped up in 5 minutes, 5 minutes of validation, affirmation, and confirmation! (Can I get an Amen!) :)

My name is Linda Arroyo and I consider myself a Latina Role Model! I am veteran teacher in Pinellas county schools where I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages at the Elementary level for 15 years. Previously, I taught English as a second language for 12 years in Puerto Rico.

I am a role model of courage and determination. I left Puerto Rico in 2001 as a single mother with my 2 small daughters, one of which is intellectually disabled seeking better medical, therapeutic, and educational services. I left my house, family, tenure position at my teaching job, church, and support system to come to a place unknown to me to help my daughter.

My daughter is now 19 years old and I am her caregiver. She doesn’t talk, uses diapers, and it totally dependent on me. She is also a source of determination, fortitude, and resolve. Her life has taken me down an unplanned journey…but a journey of love. Our "just love journey" as I prefer to call it.

Throughout this process of joys and struggles, I have been able to obtain my Master’s degree from UF in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Teacher Leadership for School Improvement. I also have founded and lead Just Love Ministries, Inc an inspirational community that inspires women to find faith to persevere and overcome their own personal challenges as well. We hold at least 4 empowerment events a year where we impact women of all walks, ages, and backgrounds with this belief.

I would cherish the opportunity to speak more in detail about why I consider myself a Latina Role Model!

Thank you for your time and consideration!

They haven't contacted me but hey that doesn't matter. What matters is that I took a step to affirm the woman I am!

Toot your own horn!!! Take time to express the Role Model you are even if your heart is the only one that needs to listen!

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Yaleska's Mom

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