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God Loves Peanut Butter Too

Yaleska loves peanut butter! Not in a sandwich. Not on a banana. But by the spoonfuls!

You see when she wants peanut butter she is a girl on a mission. She will stop at nothing to satisfy her number one craving! Each time she after some it is

an opportunity to reveal her true personality- one of determination, wisdom, and humor.

She lets us know when she wants some peanut butter...communicative!

She knows how much she wants...decisive!

She gives the best "peanut butter kisses" to get more...confident!

She laughs when we have given in to an extra spoonful...amusing!

She double dips when she feels it's not enough...persistent!

She knows where we hide it...observant!

My daughter Yaleska is unique! She is fearfully and wonderfully made! She is God's masterpiece! She is set apart as God's creativity!

Smooth and sticky in a unique way- Yaleska, my daughter reveals God's love everyday!

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (NIV Bible)

Yaleska's Mom

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