
In the words of a broken heart It's just emotion that's taken me over Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul But if you don't come back Come home to me, darling
You know there will be nobody Left in this world to hold me tight You know there will nobody Left in this world to kiss goodnight Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight Lyrics: Emotions by the Bee Gees
Oh My Gosh!!! How I loved that song when I was a teenager (and still do!) It’s just emotion that taken me over… lyrics linger in my mind and tune still trip my steps.
I love the song but not the feeling!
Emotion… Emotions! How I have let them take me over, tie me up, get lost in my soul. Some days it is so easy to just let them consume me. Feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed, pressured, frazzled. Moments of fears, frustrations, disappointments, and tears. Moments of just having “a moment”.
Such is life, daily life, for a mom of an intellectually disabled child.
But not today!
I dropped Yaleska off to her before school program bright and early beating out the sunrise. Again, she decided to “drop and give me 10”. Not 10 push-ups, sit-ups, planks, or squats but 10 minutes of unanticipated wait. There she sat… and sat… and sat…
What do I do now? The minutes are moving right along bringing one hour into the next. It’s not 6:50 am anymore now we are in the 7 o’clock hour.
Oh my! I have quite a drive ahead of me! What to do?
No, not today! This is not going to be a repeat of how I react!
“Think of the massage you got yesterday evening. Don’t tense up. Ok, this could be worse… It’s Wednesday. It could be Monday.” My thoughts became my inner conversation. A dialogue meant to convince, assure, and influence my reaction.
Not today…
Today, I intentionally uplifted myself by thinking of my emotions. As a caregiver, they are always on high alert.
I wanted them to have a break today. To relax. So, I just let it be. I knew that even if I was a few minutes late for work my heart, mind, and emotions were more important than a few passing glances and comments.
So I sang to her and giggled. I took her picture while calling her my “silly birdie”. I marveled at her decisiveness. Then, without missing a beat …It’s just emotions that took her over! The emotion of being content and satisfied and willing to get up now!
Yay for Yaleska! Yay for Mommy! A different emotion took over…today.
Lord, thank you for allowing me to get to work on time! :)
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7