
Often times it is easier for others to focus on what my daughter is not able to do.
Today, her teacher sent home a list of things that Yaleska can do! Wow!
She now hangs her backpack!
Puts her folder away!
Walked 4 laps in P.E. happily!
Asked to go to the garden and participated!
What awesome accomplishments!
I am so proud of my daughter! This girl never ceases to amaze me! She is always learning and doing something new. I notice them. I acknowledge them. I celebrate them.
But it truly warms my heart when others celebrate her and her triumphs! They may be small yet significant. Delayed yet distinguished. Evolving yet excellent!
I have a lifetime of confetti here for you, Yaleska! I will celebrate every accomplishment and milestone you achieve. I will sprinkle my praise on you every day until my last breath.
Lord, thank you because You see the best in me. You look at me with eyes of mercy that cover my imperfections. May I sprinkle confetti on others with words of love, affirmation, and acceptance. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.